Mar 3, 2023Liked by Tyler Petersen

What an incredibly thought provoking article. You did an excellent job of dissecting the information presented in the 60 Minutes segment. So much to think about and consider as more drugs are manufactured and become available, while also maintaining the truth of our own responsibility regarding our individual health. More insightful information like yours and more education of how to live a healthier lifestyle in today's "instantly gratifying" world are needed so we, as people of all ages, may continue to make better choices for ourselves and our overall health. Thank you.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Tyler Petersen

This is so thoughtfully written. I applaud you for taking it on, even at the risk of being perceived as the "bad guy", because I think this is so important. At first I hesitate to even comment, because I too would never want to be perceived as passing judgement, but it seems like this drug along with the AAP's updated recommendations on treating childhood obesity with medication and surgery could take us down a frightening path. Sometimes it feels like the way the healthcare system is setup in this country is failing us - always reacting to issues instead of educating patients on how to live a healthy lifestyle to prevent them. And even if doctors are discussing diet and exercise with their patients, what type of "dieting" education is actually being provided? If it's to follow the USDA food pyramid which has a base of carbs and little amounts of fat and protein, I'm not surprised individuals are starving yet not losing weight. I am by no means a trained dietician, but rather a mom who has to rely on these recommendations because they impact how my children are taken care of by their doctors as well as how they are fed in school. It's hard not to feel disappointed.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Tyler Petersen

WOW! Lots to take in with this building doc. I like how you come at this from several angles. I can tell it is not easy to get your brain on the right path. Want to re=read this again and let it sink in a little more. For 83 years I have always been thin and could pretty much eat whatever I wanted. But when the body slows down and one is not so active anymore it makes a big difference.

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