Jan 14, 2023Liked by Tyler Petersen


Your post is so refreshing and reassuring to hear from an amazing young man embarking into the medical profession. While in the past, I always believed that the Medical profession, our public health agencies (FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA...etc) operated in the best interest of society. Unfortunately, I no longer believe that. Their actions, lies and coverups over the past 3 years have knocked the legs of "belief" that I ever had in them. IMHO, they operate solely from a basis of Greed, Power & Control. Hopefully, you will be able to help restore some of the faith that which has been lost :-)

I have copied some of your comments - and then responded with my thoughts. I sense your heart and compassion in your words...and therefore, wanted to offer you the same heart-filled feedback to you.


"Thus, pharmaceutical interventions are emphasized over lifestyle changes."

The primary reason that pharmaceutical interventions are emphasized over lifestyle changes are not

necessarily because lifestyle changes are hard - it’s because Big Pharma makes Big Money from

pushing their newly developed, "still-under-patent" drugs. It's the most profitable path of least resistance

and effort on their part.


"We are losing the obesity epidemic and, instead of bolstering the values underpinning lifestyle changes, we lean on impressive new drugs:"

Again, Big Pharma cannot make money on bolstering values, or on re-purposed, off-label drugs that have already been developed. These repurposed drugs are no longer under patent and therefore, are no longer promoted as viable treatments. Additionally, whenever I discovered that Big Pharma

provides a HUGE PERCENTAGE of the operating budget of the FDA, that was a eureka moment for me.

Check out this article in Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnlamattina/2018/06/28/the-biopharmaceutical-industry-provides-75-of-the-fdas-drug-review-budget-is-this-a-problem/?sh=2ea3ac8b49ec

I no longer believe that the FDA is acting in the best interest of humanity’s health. Instead, it fast-

tracks and approves “new” drugs developed by Big Pharma in a “quid-pro-quo” understanding. At the

very least…a monumental conflict of interest between the FDA and an outside industry that it is supposed to regulate.


"Instead of promoting better choices, ever-improving medical interventions inevitably enable poorer ones. We are trending, as a society, to a place where medical intervention makes choices and behavior change obsolete."

This is 100%, absolutely correct!


"There exists no external standard from which to justify gratitude because gratitude is the standard. This is what makes gratitude and its sibling values - courage, strength, kindness, etc. - paramount to behavior change. The goodness of these values is objectively true and will always be objectively true. It’s this objectivity that makes gratitude a rock-solid foundation from which to change behavior."

Your comments here Tyler are so closely yoked to the Bible’s “fruits of the Holy Spirit” .

See Galations: 5: 22-23

They are not only “objectively true”, they are “spiritually true”. And (in disagreement

with you), I believe there IS an external standard in which to justify gratitude. Gratitude, happiness and

Joy is lasting and based in more than simply an emotional reaction to our circumstances: it is an active

choice of attitude. As followers of Christ, we rejoice, because in him, we have redemption. Psalm:71:23


"However, when you find yourself in a storm, whether it's a category 5 hurricane or a gentle but constant rain, it's at these times that you must rely on your values, because the future is uncertain. Gratitude is a foothold of certainty and security in the midst of swirling uncertainty."

I would only suggest here that instead of relying on our own “human” values, which are inherently

flawed, we should rely on God’s values which are righteous, true and steadfast. Also, on the fact that

Christ died for our sins and therefore, our future is indeed secured and certain for those that accept,

believe and follow him. He has redeemed us with his blood and prepared a place to spend eternity with

him. John 3:16-17


"Put simply, to build a long-lasting house of positive change, you must first have an abiding foundation on which to build. Gratitude and other objective values are the foundation."

Totally agree “you must have an abiding foundation on which to build”. That foundation is best found

in Christ - the solid rock …"all other ground is sinking sand”. When we pattern our lives after Christ,

the Holy Spirit that lives within us enables us to exhibit the “Fruits of the Spirit”...which are: love, joy,

peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control...all of which enable us to

live a life of Gratitude :-) Love your heart Tyler...and love you!

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

When darkness veils his lovely face,

I rest on His unchanging grace;

In every high and stormy gale,

My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, his covenant, his blood

Support me in the whelming flood;

When all around my soul gives way,

He then is all my hope and stay.

When he shall come with trumpet sound,

O may I then in Him be found,

Dressed in His righteousness alone,

Faultless to stand before the throne

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

All other ground is sinking sand

All other ground is sinking sand.

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God is good :)

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Tyler Petersen

I just had to comment again...after reading your blog earlier today, I saw the latest guidelines about childhood obesity from the American Academy of Pediatrics being discussed on an evening news talk program - specifically with respect to surgery on children. The panel found surgery alarming and discussed incorporating more health and movement in children's lives, at home and in school. Reportedly, some schools don't even offer physical education anymore.

Less and less movement, too many sugary drinks, too much time spent on devices and gaming....or walking in the fresh air, drinking more water, cutting back on cheetohs as you say...choices really do matter. This was thought provoking.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Tyler Petersen

Thank you Dr. Petersen for the thoughtful artice on gratitude. I am thankful for your helpfful aticles and thankful and blessed to have all of you in my family. I also must learm to set aside time each day to improve my body and spirit by exercising and reading the BIble/devotional daily. Your comments spur me on to do better.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Tyler Petersen

Excellent blog! Gratitude is most definitely a component of my foundation and this article has re-inspired me to daily acknowledge it. Take daily stock in what you're grateful for - what a wonderful gift that is to your own well-being and to those around you. New goal for 2023 - taking better care of my God-given physical body and I'm off to a great start! Grateful for my son who is the biggest blessing in my life!

Thank you, Dr. Ty, for your very thoughtful writings! Keep it up!

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